Smiley face
Price:USD $35

RGB4CG is an organic digital feedback which flows smoothly from the centre to the outside of the screen, using a gradient primary colour palette that is mixed through different processes to create an abstract psychedelic experience. This piece loops and fits perfectly displayed vertically as well as horizontally.
Price:USD $35
Profile works in a large area into the digital field by exploring different behaviours of computer graphics and digital aesthetics through abstraction created using a variety of processes and concepts.


The evolution of the internet has transformed the way we create, collect and appreciate art. FRAMED is a platform that brings the world of digital art into the everyday.

We provide artists with a versatile, state-of-the-art digital canvas that fosters new forms of interactive, generative, and software-based art, and allows them to share their creations with audiences across the globe.

Go to Gallery to see what our community of pioneering artists are publishing to the platform.

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For artists

FRAMED for Artists is currently in private beta. You can request an invite here.