Smiley face
Price:USD $25
by Josh Rigling

The movement of a deer captured from video as a transparent mask.

Transparent mask is put into process via a custom script for analysis. Analysis reveals deer movement as topographic information.

Topographic information is color coded determined by the height map resulting from the previous topographic interpretation.

Each frame of topographical and colored information is reassembled manually into GIF format. Resulting in the final animation.
Price:USD $25
Josh Rigling is a conceptual artist from Vermont who has exhibited all over the world.

Rigling's web projects include “Mirrors & Rugs,” a memorabilia maze in legacy HTML and “Hidden Hidden,” a public GIF index. He created “World Famous Faces” for the Google Cultural Institute. “Cool Ascii Boxes,” a wall sculpture series for Mary Sky, runs “Cool Ascii,” a compendium of failed images.

More Works by Josh Rigling:


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