Smiley face
Price:USD $5
Streams (v2), 2016.
Generative animation created in OpenFrameworks.
Price:USD $5
Lukasz Karluk is a digital artist working in the fields of interactive video installation and generative computer art. His work aims to bridge the gap between the real and the digital by creating immersive digital environments that lead participants on a path of playful discovery. Generative systems are a focus of Lukasz’s work. Visual elements and motifs are created and let loose to evolve and produce unique and ever-changing results. The final output is a variety of mediums including interactive video, print, 3D print and sound sculptures.


The evolution of the internet has transformed the way we create, collect and appreciate art. FRAMED is a platform that brings the world of digital art into the everyday.

We provide artists with a versatile, state-of-the-art digital canvas that fosters new forms of interactive, generative, and software-based art, and allows them to share their creations with audiences across the globe.

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For artists

FRAMED for Artists is currently in private beta. You can request an invite here.