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Price:USD $150
Spatial Definitions
by Victor Doval

From a black background lines emerge defining planes and corners. An undefined space is created allowing the observer to complete with his imagination the not drawn details.

With a strong resemblance to the architectural drawing small automata are suggesting places by dividing the existing void with open boundaries. When the exploration is finished the generated space fades to never appear again.

This software will create different and unrepeatable places because in its source code, written in Processing, the parameter of the date and time is included as a determining key.

The piece opens the door to the observation of the "creating process", It only allows to see the composition while it is being created because it will be erased it when is finished.
During the process the observer is invited to imagine possible final results that will be only be seen in his imagination. While contemplating the constant transformation of the space his interpretations will mutate generating the emergence of new ideas and emotions.

Spatial Definitions is a code poem to the ephemeral, making the observer aware of the permanent change of reality, of the natural cycle of creation and destruction in which the only constant is the perception
Price:USD $150
Victor Doval is an Spanish architect, designer and artist specialized in algorithmic composition.

His work is centered in breaking the limits between oneself and with the others. Using in the relation of math and nature as a source of pureness and a key to connect us with our essence.

After finishing his Architecture studies in 2012 he got deeply involved with parametric and procedural design what helped him to find a way of self-expression in generative digital art.

His artworks had been shown in MediaLab Madrid, Museu Valencià de la Il·lustració i la Modernitat (MUVIM), Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Casa de Cultura de MontSerrat, SeAlquila Proyecto and many other places and events. As digital artist his main dynamic exposition is his own blog "Light Processes" which started as a side project and now counts with more than 50 thousand followers.
More Works by Victor Doval:


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